Google Search: Which was the first computer/electronic book

"The zeal to know about the past at present can enhance our future"

That's what I believed when I googled the following searchesand read about them. These searches are of the past in present.
Google always has something for every search, well you all know that. :P . 
And yes this time I googled : Which was the first computer book?

I found amusing searches. Well I did not gave heed to all of the links, but the first 3 links were enough to surprise me with such materials.

    This book on amazon has amazed me just by reading its reviews. I felt kind of excited to buy this book ,       but its price helds me back for while. The book contains all those contents that happened to evolve         
    computers as a usable machine. I will definitely  read this in FUTURE.

   This page has all those books that were best during non-internet era. This page contains all the books       from 1968 to 1999. And some are the best sellers of that time. 

   This is an astonishing article to read. It was interesting to read the first line that the first computers were
    human beings mainly females. Then it focuses on one of the books about the people who were responsible     for the computers of today. 

   and many more searches.... 

Next I googled: Which was the first  electronics book?
And again, I was impressed by the search results.

   Focuses on the books that are about 95 years old ! WOW. These books were like the building steps for
   the people who were new to electronics and could do the new electronic stuff from their household
   materials. WOW again. And still these kind of books are published today but in a different way ( i guess
   we have the coloured versions now :P).

   Focus on the actual architectures of the first machines that made electronic computing a practical reality.

   and it goes on ......

On finding these links, I realize there is so much to learn in this world from present and especially from the past. I fear how to grab all the knowledge at once without affecting my Academic grades !
But at the same time it gives me motivation to look for something that I have never seen before and also to be ampli- clear about every concept  that I have heard of and came through.


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