DAY 1 | Mobile Networks [VAP]

Date:19 January 2015

Today was the 1st day of the VAP [ Value Added Program] on Mobile Networks.

According to the faculties of ECE department and our respected director Dr. Sandeep S. Inamdar this VAP is an unique opportunity to get the exposure from the eminent speakers Dr. Ahutosh Dutta and Krishna Sirohi. Both are the part of the GISFI , an ICT Standardization of India.

The Session started with their own introduction and sharing their experience and importance of studying the wireless networks.

Mr. Krishna Sirohi
The key speaker of Day 1 was Mr. Krishna Sirohi speeching on basic of Telecom networks. He started the discussion by describing how a basic telecom networks actually works, how the source and destination communication connections are established when we dial a number through "Analog telephone devices". He talked about how the data speech is send from caller side to reciever side additional to transmission errors. He told different Codecs , E1 frame structure( 32 time slots), Telephone switch that are essential for basic telephony system. On a whole he talked about all the protocols necessary for a basic telephony system and showed the evolution of networks from 1G to 5G. It was majorly the lecture session focussing on changes occurred while moving from basic telephony network system to today's Mobile network system.

Frankly speaking , most of the things are still unclear to us. But we do got some idea about how the the network system has evolved. And as the network system evolved, it became more complex in addition to  advance features like video, internet , multimedia services etc.

Perhaps, this workshop is challenging but interesting. This first day session has bench-marked the level of quality and knowledge that the workshop is going to give us in the next 5 days. We hope this workshop will prove to be a great opportunity.


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